Publications and preprints

  1. Transfers of K-types on local theta lifts of characters and unitary lowest weight modules,
    (with Hung Yean Loke and U-Liang Tang), ArXiv e-prints:1207.6454,
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol 201, Issue 1, pp 1-24, 20 June 2014
  2. Derived functor modules, dual pairs and U(g)K-actions, ArXiv e-prints:1310.6378, Journal of Algebra, Volume 450, pp 629–645, Mar 2016
  3. Invariants and K-spectrums of local theta lifts,
    (with Hung Yean Loke), ArXiv e-prints:1302.1031, Compositio Mathematica, Jan 2015 [Errata]
  4. Local theta correspondences between epipelagic supercuspidal representations,
    (with Hung Yean Loke and Gordan Savin), ArXiv e-prints:1501.07069, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Jun 2016
  5. Local theta correspondence between supercuspidal representations,
    (with Hung Yean Loke), ArXiv e-prints: 1512.01797, 2018, Annales Scientifiques de l’ENS (PDF) [Errata]
  6. On two questions concerning representations distinguished by the Galois involution,
    (with Maxim Gurevich and Arnab Mitra), ArXiv e-prints: 1609.03155, 2017, Forum Mathematicum
  7. Nilpotent orbits of orthogonal groups over p-adic fields, and the DeBacker parametrization (with Tobias Bernstein, Monica Nevins, Jit Wu Yap) ArXiv e-prints:1808.03593
  8. On the Notion of Metaplectic Barbasch–Vogan Duality (with Dan Barabasch, Binyong Sun and Chen-Bo Zhu) ArXiv e-prints: 2010.16089, to appear in IMRN
  9. Special unipotent representations of real classical groups: construction and unitarity (with Dan Barabasch, Binyong Sun and Chen-Bo Zhu) ArXiv e-prints: 1712.05552 (slides)
    (new version). The python code of the algorithm in the paper can be found at
    (Watch the talk by Chengbo Zhu explaining the main points of the paper.)
  10. Special unipotent representations of real classical groups: counting and reduction to good parity (with Dan Barabasch, Binyong Sun and Chen-Bo Zhu) ArXiv e-print: 2205.05266
  11. Generic Hecke algebra and theta correspondence over finite fields (with Congling Qiu, Jialiang Zou), ArXiv e-print: 2208.00431 (Watch my talk)
  12. Fourier-Jacobi models of Deligne-Lusztig characters and depth zero local descent for unitary groups (with Dongwen Liu and Fang Shi), ArXiv e-print: 2208.02308, to appear in Israel J. Math.
  13. Genuine special unipotent representations of real and quaternionic spin groups (with Dan Barbasch, Binyong Sun and Chen-Bo Zhu), ArXiv e-print: 2303.03571, to appear in Progr. Math., Festschrift in honor of Toshiyuki Kobayashi.
  14. Special unipotent representations of simple linear Lie groups of type A (with Dan Barbasch, Binyong Sun and Chen-Bo Zhu), ArXiv e-print: 2304.04495 , to appear in Acta. Math. Sin.-English Ser.
  15. A classification of minimal highest weight modules (with Zhanqiang Bai, Wei Xiao, and Xun Xie), ArXiv e-print: 1909.00914
  16. A combinatorial characterization of the annihilator varieties of highest weight modules for classical Lie algebras (with Zhanqiang Bai, and Yutong Wang), ArXiv e-print: 2304.03475